Offers of employment

Plains of Abraham - Sunrise

Here are the jobs currently available with the National Battlefields Commission. You can forward your resume by e-mail, fax or mail, making sure you specify the position you are seeking.

Operations and Sustainable development



Unsolicited application

Guide interpreter and receptionist

Primary activities

  • Guide groups to encourage discovery, understanding, and appreciation of the historical themes relating to the site and the Commission;
  • Play the role of numerous historical characters in exciting and diverse activities (ghost walks, battle re-enactments, military competitions, roleplay, etc.;
  • Provide a suitable and personalized welcome to visitors and inform them (in person, by phone, or by email) about activities taking place at the Museum and on the Plains of Abraham;
  • Sell packages and promotional items and handle service and equipment rentals;
  • Ensure exhibits run smoothly;
  • Perform certain store clerk duties (cash register operation, pricing, etc.);
  • Monitor certain statistical data. 


Submit your application

By e-mail:
By fax: (418) 648-3809

By mail:
The National Battlefields Commission
835 Wilfrid-Laurier Avenue
Quebec City (Quebec)
G1R 2L3