Green Procurement (2013–2014)


National Battlefields Commission (NBC) Report on Green Procurement Activities in Accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement – Part 7
Strategies and comments
  1. Method: An assessment of the past three years of the action plan in terms of sustainable development has been completed. Most of the objectives were achieved. However, the drafting of a second schedule has been postponed because a change of supplier became necessary along the way. Some projects have also been postponed because of budget cuts.

  2. Procurement management procedures and monitoring measures:
    • Make employees, suppliers and subcontractors more aware of responsible procurement concepts;
    • Continue to include sustainable development criteria in calls for tenders, such as noise reduction in the park and the use of less polluting vehicles.
  3. Green procurement to reduce impacts on the environment:
    • Purchase of an electric vehicle;
    • Continued conversion to LED lighting in the parking areas and in the park in order to eliminate the use of mercury lamps;
    • Conversion of the heating system in the workshop from fuel oil to propane;
    • Leasing of smaller vehicles;
    • Gathering up of logs that are cut on the Plains of Abraham and use of a mobile saw to cut them into planks;
    • Increased use of conference call meetings and reduction in the amount of travel;
    • Use of recycled paper to print NBC letterhead and envelopes.
  4. Training: The NBC was unable to participate as expected in a discussion and information day on green procurement practices because Public Works and Government Services Canada did not provide this activity this year.

  5. Formation: Given the many problems that arose with the supplier selected for the implementation of a second three year plan, the NCB was unable to produce the said plan. However, the objectives were achieved in all of the activities reviewed during the assessment of the first three year plan. A new plan and schedule will therefore be drawn up in the coming months.