Internal Audits 2013-2014


1. Name of internal audit2. Internal audit type3. Status4. Completion date5. Electronic Link to Report
Audit of Financial Forecasting The Office of the Comptroller General’s Three Year Risk-Based Internal Audit Plan for Small Departments and Agencies (SDAs) The NBC was not selected for this audit Not applicable Not applicable
Internal Audit the Protection of Personal Information in Small Departments The Office of the Comptroller General’s Three Year Risk-Based Internal Audit Plan for Small Departments and Agencies (SDAs) Completed March 2014

The National Battlefields Commission (NBC) is audited every year by a firm of auditors who analyze and verify our accounting practices to ensure compliance with Government of Canada directives and policies, which are based on Canadian public sector accounting standards.

Given the scope of the NBC and the fact that its structure does not include an internal auditor, its functions are ensured through strict monitoring and management’s knowledge of the various operations in each of its services.