Gender-based Analysis Plus

 Gender-based Analysis Plus

Governance structure

When developing projects, creating or updating services and activities, the NBC systematically ensures that the various identity factors are taken into account, including gender, age, Aboriginal origin or identity, living with a disability, etc.

However, the NBC does not have the resources to conduct data analysis.

Human resources

The NBC does not have sufficient human and financial resources to assign one FTE to the GBA+.

The NBC has recommended and made available to managers and employees in key sectors the on-line course on GBA+. It also distributed and made the training available on the Intranet for all employees.

Major intiatives : obtained results

The NBC has carried out the following initiatives with regard to the GBA+ :

  • Introduction of a new activity, "The 20th Century March", presenting the invaluable work done by women during the conflicts of the First and Second World Wars, in order to highlight the place of women in history in the NBC's range of services.
  • Highlighting the history of Aboriginal peoples in all NBC historical activities, whenever possible.
  • Development and maintenance of activities adapted for students and adults learning either official language.
  • Maintain the offer of activities and exhibits adapted for people living with a physical or mental disability and groups with learning disabilities.
  • Installation of six refreshment stands accessible to persons with reduced mobility on the territory, to ensure access to park facilities for all users, when possible.
  • Drying wood from trees cut down in the park to make picnic tables for people with reduced mobility.
Reporting capacity and data

Not applicable.

The NBC does not collect specific data on the beneficiaries of its programs to conduct a GBA+ or to publish reports.